2016 Program

Sunday, September 25

6:00 PM Dinner available for guests staying at Asilomar
7:00 - 9:00 PM Welcome Reception

Monday, September 26

7:30 - 9:00 AM Breakfast
8:50 AM Welcome - Weinberger & Barman
9:00 AM Bernstein - GMT/ELTs overview
9:30 AM Dong - Planet Formation (invited)
10:00 AM Follette - Disk Imaging (invited)
10:30 AM Break
11:00 AM Duffel - Numerical Modeling Gaps in Protoplanetary Disks
11:20 AM Sallum - Imaging Protoplanets with ELTs, Now and Later
11:40 AM Ireland - Imaging the Youngest Exoplanets with GMTIFS and Future ELT Instrumentation
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Salyk - Disk composition / kinematics (invited)
1:30 PM Johnson - Prospects for Doppler Tomography with the ELTs
1:50 PM Birkby - High-res Planet Atmospheres (invited)
2:20 PM Wang - High-Contrast Imaging and High-Resolution Spectroscopy Observation of Exoplanets
2:40 PM Fortney - Planetary evolution (invited)
3:10 PM Poster Pops I
3:25 PM Break and Poster Viewing
4:00 PM Skemer - Direct Imaging (invited)
4:30 PM Faherty - Brown Dwarfs Reveal Exoplanet Secrets
4:50 PM Advancing Atmospheric Characterization Discussion (Lopez-Morales)
6:00 PM Dinner
7:15 PM Wine & Dessert / Discussions

Tuesday, September 27

7:30 - 9:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Haywood - PRV Improvements (invited)
9:30 AM Endl - Discovery of a 1.3 Earth mass planet in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri
9:50 AM Schlaufman - Exoplanets in Open Clusters in the Era of Extremely Large Telescopes
10:10 AM Ben-Ami - G-CLEF: Design and exemplar exoplanet science programs
10:30 AM Poster Pops II
10:45 AM Break and Poster Viewing
11:30 AM Shkolnik - Star - Planet Connection (invited)
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Teske - What's the Star Got to Do, Got to Do with It (Exoplanet Composition)?
1:20 PM Liu - Abundance Studies of Stellar Hosts of Terrestrial Planets
1:40 PM Kitiashvili - 3D Realistic Modeling of Stellar Convection as a Tool to Study Effects of Stellar Jitter on RV Measurements
2:00 PM Crossfield - Planet Densities (invited)
2:30 PM Break and Poster Viewing
3:00 PM Guyon - Coronagraphs for Planet Detection (invited)
3:30 PM Martins - Exoplanet Reflections in the era of Giant Telescopes
3:50 PM Close - Direct Detection of Exoplanets with GMT AO: A proof of concept design for a GMT Phase A ExAO planet imager
4:10 PM Direct Imaging Discussion - Led by Jared Males
5:20 PM End of meeting for the day
5:30 PM Buses depart for Monterey Bay Aquarium
6:00 PM Conference Banquet

Wednesday, September 28

7:30 - 9:00 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Lewis - JWST-ELT Synergy (invited)
9:30 AM Greene - Characterizing exoplanet atmospheres with JWST
9:50 AM Morzinski - Breaking degeneracies in understanding fundamental exoplanet properties with ELTs
10:10 AM Break and Poster Viewing
11:00 AM Cotton - Detecting Clouds in Hot Jupiters with Linear Polarisation
11:20 AM Boss - Summary